About Us

We have set up Keidos to provide consulting services placing our focus on generating, facilitating and/or escalating the impact of organizations seeking to make sustainability central to their DNA, working on a market impact building across Argentina and other countries in Latin America, and developing public policies towards the new impact economy.

This challenge entails not only conforming to current legislation but also understanding both the attainable and desirable legal architecture, while promoting new game rules to adequately suit a sustainable world. That is why at Keidos we work through multidisciplinary teams aimed at taking the best approach possible.

Constanza Connolly

Soledad Noel

Agostina Coniglio

Beatriz Pellizzari

María Laura Tinelli

Matías Galindez

Regional and Global Presence

Through its members, Keidos jointly builds these networks for the development of an impact ecosystem:

Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL)
Red Latinoamericana de Contrato de Pago por Resultados
Grupo de Inversión de Impacto Argentina
Comunidad Legal Argentina de Impacto (CLAI)

We also collaborate with organizations and participate in working groups:

Red de Impacto
Grupo de Trabajo sobre Divulgaciones Financieras relacionadas con la desigualdad (TIFD)
Mesa de Impulso de Empresas Sociales (IES)

Our Purpose

We know that law compliance is no longer enough to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Today we need to take a step forward: our actions and decisions must trigger a positive impact and create a shared value.

We need to unlearn what has been learnt to find new ways of doing.

We believe in innovation Law and in legal systems schemed on the basis of trust.

We believe in Law as an instrument for managing changes, as an infrastructure facilitator enabling new business and organizational models.

Our purpose is to transform reality with legal tools and to boost organizations in order to generate a positive impact (economic, social and environmental).

The Way We Work

We apply agile methodologies and get involved by working closely with our clients in the development of specific projects. We achieve our shared goals by redesigning and rethinking how to adapt current legal frameworks to new legal situations in order to help create a positive impact in the long term.

We can do this thanks to local, national and regional partnerships built up on common principles, values and goals that place people and the planet at the core.

We challenge ourselves daily to create capacities and effectively catalyse a positive impact.

What We Do

We provide consultancy services on impact matters across Argentina and other countries in Latin America, through specific interventions intended to generate, facilitate and/or escalate positive transformations of organizations, while offering comprehensive advice and technical expertise in the following action fields:

Impact Business Structuring
Sustainable Financing
Corporate Governance and ESG Factors
Value Chain and Due Diligence
NGOs Impulse and Transformation
Sustainable Public Procurement
Outcome Contracts
Training Programmes in these areas

Keidos is a concept rooted in the metaphor of the kaleidoscope through which we aim to represent a different perspective and symbolise our identity.

Just as the kaleidoscope, Keidos is built on three mirrors forming an angular prism: a new look on what we do, how we do it, and most importantly, how we do it. 

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